About Us

1 Thessalonians 2:8

“So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

Brian Zaas

Professional Coach, ICF-PCC Certified

“My passion is to walk alongside leaders and help them achieve their God-given potential and become difference-makers in the world around them.”

Debi Zaas

Professional Coach, ICF-PCC Certified

“I love helping others discover God’s unique design for their lives, find their purpose, and pursue a meaningful path forward to attaining the abundant life God promises us.”

Our Vision

Transform today’s disciples and decision-makers to become tomorrow’s difference-makers by pursuing the potential of God’s promises

Our Mission

To engage, empower and equip a new generation of influential leaders, industrious innovators, exceptional entrepreneurs, and meaningful marriage partners to pursue the abundant life God promises with character, competence, courage and commitment.

Our Focus

Pursuing Promise brings transformational life and leadership coaching to a wide range of organizational and relational settings. We partner with innovative companies, non-profit organizations, professional associations, mid-sized businesses, and partnerships. Pursuing Promise actively leverages our broad experiences in coaching/mentoring, developing leadership potential, and creating organizational vision to help leaders achieve their desired results.

We come alongside couples and marriages with a passion for reaching for a unified vision and mission for life, developing stronger relationships, balancing life, and moving through significant transitions. We help couples renew and explore the passion and promises of their marriage and pursue a meaningful path forward for a lasting and fulfilling marriage. We help couples explore the current reality of their relationship to become aware of God’s unique design – both individually and as a couple. We work with you to overcome challenges by learning new ways to love and respect each other, and to commit to agreed upon steps to move forward toward a strong marriage and build a healthy family.

As seasoned coaches and consultants to church and ministry leaders, Pursuing Promise helps leaders around the globe discover and creatively maximize their God-given design in life, in ministry, and in leadership. We are passionate in helping ministry and congregational leaders develop relational and creative strategies to make disciples and advance Christian principles where they live, lead and love.